Phase 1 Fashion Mogul: Craftin'
Phase 1 Fashion Mogul:
Know your craft/ industry and study the leaders who made/make it great.
A few months ago, I decided I need to take more audacious steps in becoming all I dream of. In the words of my mama, “I’m from the show me state” which is an idiom or old school phrase that means someone needs to show you instead of constantly telling you what they’re going to do. So basically I need to start putting some action behind my words. This blog will be a document of my journey and what I'm doing to become a Fashion Mogul.
The first step I decided to take in my journey is quitting my job and going back to school to pursue Fashion Design. As an undergrad I hated school! I started out as a Business major and quickly found out how boring it was. Then one bittersweet semester when fate had enough of my disinterest it blew in a wind of failure. It was the final semester of my sophomore year and sleeping during accounting class or not showing up finally caught up with me and I failed the accounting course I needed in order to proceed to junior year in the major; this was the second time I failed the class and was unable to petition my way back into the major because of my "lack of sleep" or lack of enthusiasm to make it to class. So on top of already being depressed from heartbreak and weight gain, I now had to choose a new major. Fortunately, God works in mysterious ways, it was because of that failure that I got a taste of Fashion design in my new found major Apparel Merchandising a.k.a Fashion Business.
** I’ll probably go into greater detail about Undergrad struggles in later blogs.
Back to the future a.k.a now...
Phase 1: Know your craft/ industry and study the leaders who made/make it great.
Entry 1, Phase 1, Part A: Studying my craft: I have officially started my year long Apparel Technology program at Minneapolis Community and Technical College(MCTC). I bet you want to know how it's going? Take a look.
Entry 1, Phase 1, Part B: Studying the leaders: First up I have Eunice Johnson.
Eunice was the founder and director of Ebony Fashion Fair, a fundraiser she started for hospitals, this fundraiser was a festive and phenomenal runway show. She #diditfortheculture and that’s why she is still one of the greats in the fashion industry; She inspires me and I hope will inspire you.
The show was a conscious and radical breakthrough for black fashion and African American History. Eunice started the show in 1958, which we all know was a very critical time in world history because this was during the civil war movement. During the movement, Eunice decided to "take it to the man" through fashion. She created an outlet that allowed African Americans to see luxurious garments and even have their designs showcased alongside many famous European designers. Eunice's legacy lives and continues to encourage younger generations. Ebony Fashion Fair gave African Americans hope and let them know that the luxury life is attainable.
Eunice is #r8tedb (BOSS) because she was a visionary. She used fashion to spark social change and she even traveled to unknown and dangerous places to do so.
**There are stories about how the models and production crew of the Ebony Fashion Fair had to travel through KKK infested territory to get to different destinations.
Links to several videos about Eunice and Ebony Fashion Fair below. #bringbackebonyfashionfair
other links about Ebony Fashion Fair: