Monologue by Kellie Powell

This is the very first monologue I chose to perform as the final for my Acting 101 class and I wanted to share it with you all. The words Powell writes to defend her friend against this “jackass” resonated with me because I know so many beautiful and kind women who are taken advantage of by guys described in the poem. Sometimes we(because I have definitely been taken down that road) fall for these guys who have good qualities but aren’t ready to settle down. They may tell us they don’t want to be in a relationship but their actions speak differently, leaving us dazed and in LaLa Land. I hope by watching this monologue someone realizes they “deserve better”.

In this video, Rita is in a room with her friend Emily and the “jackass”, she’s telling Emily that she deserves better and letting this guy know that he will NEVER find a girl like her.

This is Rita's Monologue defending her friend from, well, a pretentious bastard. SUMMARY: A young woman named Emily, who has been given up on meeting Prince Charming, begins a polyamorous relationship with a cynical slacker. She is thrilled when, out of the blue, he invites her to spend Thanksgiving with his family and friends.
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